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St. Moriz is a skiing paradise near the Italian border in Switzerland that has attracted visitors from the international skiing world since the 19th century. St Moriz is often referred to as one of the world's top ski resorts and it is easy to appreciate its appeal thanks to the natural beauty of alpine peaks and frozen lakes combined with a classic village charm and the architectural mastery that defines it. The town is visited by many celebrities and royalty and has hosted guests such as Audrey Hepburn, John Lennon and Charlie Chaplin.Writer Dora Lardelli takes us on a journey in this coffee table book, showing us the natural beauty of St Moritz, special events such as the famous snow polo World Cup, but also glimpses of secret parties at the venerable Badrutt's Palace.

ISBN: 9781614288534

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25 cm


33 cm


3.2 cm

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