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A little older, a little more confused


A little older, a little more confused

Somewhere among broken hearts, roses, liquor bottles, butterflies and death, we find Swedish artist and cartoonist Harry Anderson. In an exclusive collaboration, we now launch the works "Exhile on Långholmen" and "Go start anew".

The lithographs, both created in a numbered edition, bring the viewer face to face with both humour and darkness through Anderson's naïve illustrations and short texts. The style is personal and reveals his background as a cartoonist.

Lyrics like "a little older, a little more confused", "she preferred the company of cats" and "god speed Aretha", flow together and are interrupted by pipe-smoking skeletons, trumpeting old men and slithering snakes. Together they tell peculiar stories of unrequited love, searching for identity and death. The mix automatically brings to mind phone scribbles or notes in a notebook, and many of the lyrics are taken from pop songs and rock ballads.

Editorial Splash 1 - A little older, a little more confused

was born in 1986 and grew up in Stockholm. He studied at the Gerlesborg Art School in Stockholm and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen - where he later stayed to live and work. For the first part of his artistic career, Anderson has mainly focused on creating paintings, drawings and comics whose motifs are inspired by his own life. His work has previously been exhibited in both Stockholm and Copenhagen, and the solo exhibition She's not your lover know (FORGETMENOT) at Nordiska Galleriet in 2018 included ceramic sculptures.

The cartoonist in Harry Anderson shines in the works Exhile on Långholmen and Go start anew. His characteristic artistic style is mixed with influences from other cartoonists such as Nicklas Jönsson, Bill Eriksson and Ester Eriksson. Using patterns, illustrations and short texts, each work tells its own story and leaves the viewer to interpret its content. It is honest, naked and so close that at times it feels like eavesdropping on someone's diary.

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